The group also performs at various entertainment venues in Israel, as well as at the Haifa Film Festival, Spring Festival in Netanya, etc. The band is a regular participant in projects by the Nature Authority and the Lottery Factory. In collaboration with the Irish Dance Academy, we perform at Cultural Halls where we present our special dance program, together with the dancers of the Academy.

We have been performed at the following concert venues in Israel:

Azrieli Centre – Amphitheater, Tel Aviv (Dance Show)

13 TV Channel

Ein Yael – Knight Tournament, Jerusalem

Promenad Louis – Marry Christmas Celebration, Haifa

Bella Ciao Bar – Rishon LeTsiyon

Rodeo Pub – Haifa

Nola Socks Bar – Haifa

Jelsomino and the Friends – Rishon LeTsiyon

Eshkol Pais – Kiryat Motskin

FTW PILOTS MC – Be’er Sheva

Havat derech haTavlinim – Kibutz Beit Lehem HaGlilit

Blue hall music – Jerusalem

Temple Bar – Haifa

Beach Bar – Caesarea

Folk music festival in Prague

Murphy’s pub – Netanya, Reception of the new Ambassador of Ireland

City Day – Netanya, Dance Show

Montfort Fortress – Maalot

Latrun Yad LeShirion Museum

Café Fresco – Industry 5, Zarzir

….. as well as: at weddings, birthdays, private parties (including in open areas – autonomous electricity), kibbutzim, nursing homes, etc…